Department of Broadcast and television

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  • Викладацький розклад
  • Методичні матеріали
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The Radio Broadcasting and Television Department of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University has been functioning as an independent structural unit since September 1, 1993, in accordance with the order of the rector of the Ivan Franko Lviv State (now National) University No. 847 dated July 14, 1993 “On Changes to the Structure Faculty of Journalism” on the basis of the resolution of the Academic Council of the University of June 30, 1993 (protocol No. 11/6).

Today, the teaching-methodical and educational process at the department is provided by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Honored University Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, laureate of the All-Ukrainian Prize named after Ivan Ohienko, Honored Journalist of Ukraine, laureate of the Vyacheslav Chornovol Prize in Journalism and Journalism, valid member of the National Academy of Sciences V.V. Lyzanchuk (head of the department), doctor of philological sciences, honored professor of the university, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher Education of Ukraine, active member of the National Academy of Sciences O. A. Serbenska, candidate of sciences in social communications, associate professor O. M. Bilous, candidate of philological sciences , associate professor N. E. Lebedenko, assistants L. R. Borys, A. L. Kaliniv, T. V. Podedvorny, Y. I. Tabinsky, laboratory assistant I. I. Bokalo. M. T. Pavlyk heads the educational television and radio studio. Journalist from TRC “Lux”, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, Associate Professor P.Ya. Dvoryanin, People’s Artist of Ukraine, Professor O.P. Garda, journalist, head of the “Espresso.West” project I. K. Gulyk.

Since 2012, the student television “Franko-TV” has been operating at the department. Students, under the methodical guidance of teachers and with the technical assistance of television and radio studio employees, prepare programs about the multifaceted scientific and educational life of the University, important socio-political, cultural and artistic events in Lviv. As of October 2020, more than 300 hours of various materials have been broadcast. The YouTube channel “Franko-TV” was viewed by 4.5 million viewers.

Students undergo production practice in television and radio organizations of Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Rivne, Odesa, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and other television and radio companies. Under the terms of the agreements concluded between the Department of Broadcasting and Television and Lviv television and radio organizations on joint educational and practical activities regarding the training of television and radio journalists, students prepare television and radio programs broadcast by these television and radio companies.

Since 1997, the department has published a collection of scientific works “Television and Radio Journalism”, which is included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine (certificate of state registration series KB No. 14757-3728 R dated November 20, 2008 p., re-registered as a professional publication on May 12, 2015 ., order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 528). 19 issues in 20 books have already been published.

The Department of Broadcast and television has been functioning as an independent structural unit since September 1, 1993.


Since 2012, the student television “Franko-TV” has been functioning at the department. Students under the methodical guidance of teachers and with the technical assistance of employees of the TV and radio studio prepare programs about the multifaceted scientific and educational life of the University, important socio-political, cultural and artistic events in Lviv. As of October 2020, more than 300 hours of materials of various genres have been aired, 4.5 million viewers watched the Franko-TV YouTube channel.


Students undergo internships in TV and radio companies in Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Rivne, Odessa, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and other TV and radio companies. Under the terms of agreements between the Department of Broadcasting and Television and Lviv TV and Radio Organizations on joint educational and practical activities for the training of television and radio journalists, students prepare TV and radio programs broadcast by these TV and radio companies.


ПрофесорVasyl LyzanchukПрофесор
ПрофесорOlena MakarchukПрофесор
ПрофесорOleksandra SerbenskaПрофесор
ДоцентOksana BilousДоцент
Доцент, завідувач (сумісник)Paraskoviia DvorianynДоцент, завідувач (сумісник)
ДоцентOrest GardaДоцент
АсистентLesya BorysАсистент
АсистентIryna BurovetsАсистент
АсистентAndriy KalynivАсистент
АсистентLiliia KrynytskaАсистент
АсистентBohdan LohunovАсистент
АсистентNatalia MykhaylychenkoАсистент
Асистент (сумісник)Yaroslav TabinskyyАсистент (сумісник)

Викладацький розклад

Методичні матеріали

  1. Antysurzhyk. Vchymosia vvichlyvo povodytys i pravylno hovoryty / Za zah. red. O. Serbenskoi : navch. posibnyk. – 3-tie vyd., dop. i pererobl. – Lviv : Apriori, 2019. – 304 s.

  2. Bilous O. Rehionalne telebachennia dlia ditei: pryntsypy, funktsii, tematyka: navch. posibnyk / Oksana Bilous. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 254 s.

  3. Dvorianyn P. Novyny na rehionalnomu telebachenni: navch. posibnyk / Paraskoviia Dvorianyn, Vasyl Lyzanchuk. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2016. – 262 s.

  4. Lyzanchuk V. Informatsiina bezpeka Ukrainy: teoriia i praktyka : pidruchnyk / Vasyl Lyzanchuk. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2017. – 728 s.

  5. Lyzanchuk V. Psykholohiia mas-media / Vasyl Lyzanchuk. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2015. – 420 s.

  6. Lyzanchuk V. Tak! Ya – Ukrainets! : Vybrani publikatsii / Vasyl Lyzanchuk. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2019. – 800 s. + vkl.

  7. Metodychni rekomendatsii dlia lektsiinykh, praktychnykh zaniat ta samostiinoi roboty z kursuIntelektualnopsykholohichni zasady funktsionuvannia ZMKdlia studentiv III kursu fakultetu zhurnalistyky / V.V. Lyzanchuk. – Lviv, 2018. – 56s.

  8. Metodychni rekomendatsii dlia lektsiinykh, praktychnykh zaniat ta samostiinoi roboty z kursu „Osnovy dyktorskoi maisternosti” dlia studentiv IV kursu fakultetu zhurnalistyky / O.P. Harda, – Lviv, 2019. – 30s.

  9. Metodychni rekomendatsii dlia lektsiinykh, praktychnykh zaniat ta samostiinoi roboty z kursu «Mizhkulturna komunikatsiia» dlia studentiv-mahistriv fakultetu zhurnalistyky pershoho roku navchannia / O. Bilous. – Lviv, 2018. – 52 s.

  10. Metodychni rekomendatsii shchodo opanuvannia kursu „Zhurnalistska maisternist” dlia studentiv III, IV, V kursiv / O.M. Bilous, L.R. Borys, O.P. Harda, P.Ia. Dvorianyn, A.L. Kalyniv, V.V. Lyzanchuk, N.Ie. Mykhailychenko, M.T. Pavlyk, T.V. Podedvornyi, Ya.I. Tabinskyi – Lviv, 2019. – 24s.

  11. Metodychni rekomendatsii shchodo stvorennia i vypusku navchalnykh televiziinykh materialiv studentskoho Internet-telebachennia „Franko TV” dlia studentiv fakultetu zhurnalistyky / O.M. Bilous, A.L. Kalyniv, H.M. Safronieva, Ya.I. Tabinskyi. – Lviv, 2015. – 18s.

  12. Mykhailychenko N. Orfoepichna kultura teleradiozhurnalista. Praktykum / Nataliia Mykhailychenko. – Lviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2015. – 112 s.

  13. Serbenska O. Holos i zvuky ridnoi movy. – Lviv : Vyd-vo „Apriori”, 2020. – 280 s.

  14. Serbenska O. Ukrainska mova dlia pochatkivtsiv. Ukraynskyi yazыk dlia nachynaiushchykh. // Zenovii Terlak, Oleksandra Serbenska. – Vyd. tretie, vypravlene y dopovnene. – Lviv: Vyd-vo «Apriori», 2019. – 268 s.

  15. Uzhyvaimo pravylno pryimennykovi konstruktsii : navchalnometodychnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv fakultetu zhurnalistyky / uklaly: O. Serbenska, N. Mykhailychenko. – Lviv, 2018. – 41 s.


During the department’s existence (1993-2020), its employees prepared and published more than 70 textbooks, study guides, monographs, dictionaries, brochures, dozens of methodological recommendations for television and radio journalism courses, which are mastered by students.

The teachers of the department manage the dissertation research of graduate students and candidates, the preparation of course, bachelor’s and master’s theses by students.

The scientific research of the department’s employees is based on general scientific principles, which include historicism, objectivity, concreteness, functionality, systematicity, cognitive (recognizability), modeling.

In the context of historical and current external and internal social and political realities, it is said that the Ukrainian national information space should incorporate a system of means of production and distribution of true informational, intellectual, aesthetic products, the creators of which profess Ukrainian-centrism, the foundations of which are national consciousness, statehood thinking, deep morality and spirituality, patriotism and civic courage, the need to consider all important events in Ukraine and the world through the prism of the national interests of Ukraine, universal ideals and to give a reasoned rebuff to the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation.

During working hours, the teachers of the department research the topic “Electronic mass media in the context of the hybrid war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.” Academic supervisor – doctor of philological sciences, professor V. V. Lyzanchuk. State registration number: 0119U002332. Implementation period: 2019 – 2021.

Attention postgraduate students!

26.08.2024 | 13:31

The interview and exam for specialty 061 “Journalism” will be held on Friday, August 30, at 11:00 a.m. at the address: Faculty of Journalism, str. Generala Chuprinka, 49, avd. 204.
You can familiarize yourself with the exam program for specialty 061 “Journalism” by calling:

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