Юрій Мельник

Посада: Доцент, Foreign Press and information Department

Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-41-55

Електронна пошта: Iurii.Melnyk@lnu.edu.ua

Веб-сторінка: orcid.org

Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua

Профіль у Academia.edu: www.researchgate.net

Наукові інтереси

Технологія пропаганди, інформаційні війни, зарубіжна журналістика 20-х – 30‑х рр., африканська журналістика.


Collective monographs:
1. Melnyk Iurii. Islamic Media State of Iraq and Syria, its Essence, Mechanism of Functioning and Future // The Word’s potential. International Relations and Communication: Status and Perspectives: a Collective Monograph. – Warsaw-Lviv, 2016. – P. 180–211.
2. Melnyk Iurii. The Guidelines for Journalism of the Interwar Period // Problems of media and social communication. – Rzeszow-Szczecin : University of Information Technology and Management, IVG Scientific Publishing House, 2014. – P. 344–351.
3. Melnyk Iurii. The Anti-Islamic Journalism of Oriana Fallaci: Means of Persuasion and Argumentation // Modern media culture: content, concepts, perspectives (Ukrainian–Polish experience): collective monograph. – Lviv, 2012. – P. 260–265.

Articles in Ukrainian and foreign scientific journals:
1. Melnyk Iurii. The Ukrainian Question in the Mirror of Argentinian Press (Clarín, La Nación and Infobae) // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2020. Issue 48. P. 224–236.
2. Melnyk Iurii. Latin American Press on the Situation in Ukraine in 2014–2019: the Limits of Discussion // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2020. Issue 48. P. 238–248.
3. Melnyk Iurii. The Worldview of the Ukrainian State in the Yevhen Onatsky’s Opinion Journalism (Based on the Ukrainian Small Encyclopedia) // Proceedings of Vasil Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv. 2019. Issue 11(27). P. 127–141.
4. Melnyk Iurii. The Media Hegemony of the Colonizers in South Africa: Steve Biko’s Vision // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2019. Issue 46. P. 186–192.
5. Melnyk Iurii. The Superpresident. The Formation of Putin’s Image in the Russian Media Space: Simulacra, Simulations, Fakes // Geointelligence: from information to fake news. The information is a weapon / coordinator: prof. Dr. Vasile Simileanu, dr. Ing. Catalin Nae. – Bucharest: Top Form, 2018. – P. 159 – 170. – Available from : https://www.geopolitic.ro/16457/superpresident-formationputinsimage-russian-media-space-simulacra-simulations-fakes/
6. Melnyk Iurii. The Development of Publicistic Thought in the Sub-Sacharan African Countries // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2018. Issue 44. P. 131–139.
7. Melnyk Iurii. The Country of a Large TV Set”: the Phenomenon of the Russian Political Talk Show (2014–2017) // Contexts of Media Culture. Perspective of Russia and Ukraine. – Warsaw: Department of Intercultural Studies of Central and Eastern Europe. University of Warsaw, 2018 – P. 41–55.
8. Melnyk Iurii. Migrant Crisis in Europe Through the Prism of the Media: Clash of Civilizations vs. Truthfulness; Tolerance vs. Truthfulness // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2018. Issue 43. – P. 144–152.
9. Melnyk Iurii. The Terrorism of the 21st Century as a Media Phenomenon: the Eastern European Context // Trilateral Romania – Ukraine – Moldova: geopolitics and security strategies / ed .: Cristina Simileanu. – Bucharest: Top Form, 2017. – P. 140–149.
10. Melnyk Iurii. A Journalist in a Totalitarian State : the Julius Evola’s Case // Proceedings of the Scientific Research Institute of Press Studies / Ch. Ed. M. M. Romanyuk; NAS of Ukraine, V. Stefanyk LNNLU, Research Institute of Press Studies. – Lviv. 2017. Issue. 7 (25). P. 261–272.
11. Melnyk Iurii. Journalism by Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School: the Issue of Ideological Succession // Collection of Proceedings of the Scientific Conference for 2016 (Journalism). – Lviv: Small Publishing Center of the Faculty of Journalism, 2017. – P. 77–80.
12. Melnyk Iurii. “Something is Immensely Rotten in the Media Republic”. The Information Dimension of the Refugee Crisis in Europe / Iurii Melnyk / Social Communication. – Volume 1 (2017). – P. 40–53.
13. Melnyk Iurii. The Mediatization of Terrorism: Prerequisites and Consequences // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2017. Issue 42. – P. 236 – 244.
14. Melnyk Iurii. Concealment of Socially Important Information in the Times of Internet and Social Media / Iurii Melnyk // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2016. Issue 41. – P. 217–234.
15. Melnyk Iurii. The Press of the Ukrainian and the Italian Emigrations in Interwar Period: the Main Thematic Vectors // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2014. Issue 39. – P. 401–409.
16. Melnyk Iurii. The Underground Press in Fascist Italy: Ways to Confront the Regime // Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism. 2014. Volume 56. – P. 370–376. – Available from: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/Nzizh_2014_56_71.pdf
17. Melnyk Iurii. Radio propaganda during the World War II by Ezra Pound // Television and radio journalism: collection of scientific studies. – Lviv : LNU Publishing Center. 2014. Issue 13. – P. 259–269.
18. Melnyk Iurii. The Corriere della Sera in the Years of Consolidation of the Fascist Dictatorship in Italy: Oppositional or Not? // Social Communication. Online quarterly. – Krakow ; Rzeszow; Zamosc: University of Information Technology and Management. 2014. Issue 1(9). – P. 13–21.
19. Melnyk Iurii. The Italian Socialist Press in 1922–1924: Strategic Mistakes and Unrealized Opportunities against a Background of the Rise of Fascism // Proceedings of the Scientific Research Institute of Press Studies. 2013. Issue. 3 (21). – P. 508–522.
20. Melnyk Iurii. The Main Methods of Struggle against the Opposition Press in Fascist Italy in 1922–1926 // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2013. Issue 37. – P. 447–452.
21. Melnyk Iurii. Curzio Malaparte : the Interwar Essays and Reports from Ukraine for 1941 // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2013. Issue 38. – P. 397–405.
22. Melnyk Iurii. The Matteotti Сase : the Heroization of a Victim of Political Repressions in the Media as a Method of Oppositional Struggle // State and regions. Social Communication Series. 2013. №3–4. – P. 101–106.
23. Melnyk Iurii. The Journalism of Yevgeny Onatsky in Italian Language // Ukrainian Periodicals: History and Modernity: Reports and Announcements of the Eleventh All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference. Lviv, November 29-30, 2013 – Lviv, 2013. – P. 530–535.
24. Melnyk Iurii. The Amadeo Bordiga’s Journalism in the 1920s: Ideological Communism and Opposition to the Dictatorship of Bolshevik Moscow // Scientific notes of the Institute of Journalism: scientific collection / ed. V.V. Rizun; Taras Shevchenko National University. Kyiv, 2013. Volume 53. October-December. – P. 220–223.
25. Melnyk Iurii. The Information Preparation for the Ethiopian War (1935–1936) on the pages of the Italian diary La Stampa: a modern context // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2013. Issue 36. – P. 295–309.
26. Melnyk Iurii. The Ideological Evolution of Journalism from the Interwar Period to our Times: a Brief Overview // Les Essais: Int. Stud. almanac. SPb .; Lviv. 2012. Issue 2. – P.21–26.
27. Melnyk Iurii. The Ideological Evolution of Antonio Gramsci’s Journalism in 1917–1926 : the Bolshevik Factor // State and regions. Social Communication Series. 2012. №4 (12). – P. 87–93.
28. Melnyk Iurii. The Mobile Editorial Staff as a Method of Efficient Organization of the Journalistic Work // Television and radio journalism: collection of scientific studies. 2012. Issue 11. – P. 46–53.
29. Melnyk Iurii. The Control over the Press in Fascist Italy. The Directives of the Press Office and the Ministry of Popular Culture // Ukrainian Mass Media: Traditions and Challenges of the Present: Coll. Materials of the All-Ukrainian Stud. Conf. – Lviv: LNU Publishing Center. 2012. – P. 142–143.
30. Melnyk Iurii. The Giuseppe Mazzini’s Opinion about the Periodical Press in Light of His Deontological Concepts // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2011. Issue 35. – P. 195–205.




005–2010 bachelor of journalism, master of journalism (faculty of journalism, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv);

2010–2014 – PhD in the faculty of journalism (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv);

2009–2012 – Centre of Italian language and culture;

2012–2014 – L’Alliance française de Lviv;
2014–2016 – German language school “Dakad”.


Worked as a journalist at “Den”, “Lvivska Hazeta”, “Postup”, “Dzvin”, “Letters to Friends”, kaitsen.ee.

From 2012 on works as assistant, associate professor at the faculty of journalism, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

The courses and special courses developed and taught at the faculty of journalism and beyond:
– The history of world literature and opinion journalism of the 19th–21th centuries (course for bachelors);

Propaganda technology in the 21st century (optional course for all faculties);
– Ukraine in the world media (course for post-graduate students);
– Journalism in the Global South (master course).


2011 – the international project Earth Citizens for Conscious Media, ECCM (Holodnyj Jar, Ukraine)

2013 – the international project “Curiosi del Territorio” (Pordenone, Italy).

2016 – the third installment of the Prague Media Point Conference “Media and Migration” (Prague, Czech Republic).

2017 – international “GeoPolitica” summer school “The Trilateral Romania – Ukraine – Moldova: diplomacy, security strategies, competitiveness, partnerships (Suceava, Romania).
2017 – educational course for young scholars “Genocide of Jews in Europe: Historical Perspectives and Approaches” (Kyiv, Ukraine – Berlin, Germany).

2018 – International School “Resilience League” (Kyiv, Ukraine – Narva, Estonia).

2018 – eDemocracy Conference “Politics in the Digital Age” (the Danube University Krems, Austria).

2018 – international “GeoPolitica” summer school “GeoIntelligence: from Information to Fake News” (Bucharest, Romania).

2019 – International School “Resilience League” (Tallinn, Estonia).

2019 – scholarship from the Shevchenko Scientific Society (New York, USA).

2019 – Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching (University of Warsaw, Poland).

2020 – Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching (European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania).

2020 – Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching (University of Zagreb, Croatia).

Методичні матеріали

The courses and special courses developed and taught at the faculty of journalism and beyond:
– The history of world literature and opinion journalism of the 19th–21th centuries (course for bachelors);

Propaganda technology in the 21st century (optional course for all faculties);
– Ukraine in the world media (course for post-graduate students);
– Journalism in the Global South (master course).

МЕТОДИЧКА Історія світової літератури 2021

Ukraine in context of the global information war – Iurii Melnyk

Силабус – Україна у світових мас-медіа – Юрій Мельник

СИЛАБУС_Історія-світової-літератури-та-публіцистики МЕЛЬНИКА_МЕЛЬНИКЮ 


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