Посада: Професор, Foreign Press and information Department, завідувач, Foreign Press and information Department
Науковий ступінь: доктор наук з соціальних комунікацій
Вчене звання: професор
Телефони (робочі): (032) 239-47-75, +380322394155
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Наукові інтереси
International journalism, sports journalism, Ukrainian journalism of interwar period, extreme journalism (“hotspots”) models of journalism, public relations, advertising.
Author of scientific and educational editions:
“Moscow directing of Holocaust: Slavic love or Asian hate. Problems treatment’s in Ukrainian and foreign journalism of prewar period: Historical and journalistic aspect: Scientific brochure” (L’viv, 1997)
“Youth of Western Ukraine and political power (as an example, of L’viv region: Scientific Report” (Kyiv, 1996)
“Quartered but alive. The foreign press about the political processes in Ukraine before the World War II: The monogram” (L’viv, 1997)
“Great sport” and media: Manual” (L’viv, 1997);
“Chaadaev P.Y. Philosophical letters. The madman’s apology. Extracts and different thoughts” (as a compiler and co-translator, L’viv, 2005) // ;
“The social and cultural model of journalism: tradition and innovation. Monogram” (L’viv, 2008) //; ;
“Advertising and public relations: e-learning manual” (Vinnytsia, L’viv, 2015) //
“Theories and models of media: e-learning guide” (L’viv, 2015) //
Advertising and public relations (Реклама і звʼязки з громадськістю: навчальний посібник) (Ламберт, Німеччина, 2018, 168 с.):
Theories and models of media: e-learning guide (Теорії та моделі масової інформації: навчальний електронний посібник) (Львів, ЛНУ ім. І. Франка, 2018, 244 с.)
Author of over 150 scientific publications and reports, 8 training and methodological manuals, more than 500 of publicistic, journalistic, expert articles, reviews and commentaries in newspapers, magazines, the Internet, among them – and abroad (Poland, Romania, Germany, Russia, Estonia).
September 1978 – June 1988 – School №4 New Rozdil city, L’viv region.
September 1988 – June 1993 – Ivan Franko State University of L’viv, profession – journalism, specialization – international journalism, Diploma № KЖ 003225:
– 1990, 1991 – Double prize – winner “Test of the pen” set by L’viv regional organization of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine for students of journalism Ivan Franko State University of L’viv;
– 1993 – Prize winner of journalistic competition by the Union of Journalists of Ukraine “First success” for the best work among young specialists;
– 1993 – Prize winner of the international journalistic competition by “Radio Liberty” – “Youth of Ukraine”;
– 1993 – a graduate of the young politician School (Research Institute for Youth in problems Ministry for Family, Youth and Sports).
Ph.D. (1997): Zhytaryuk M.G. European press in forming public opinion about the political situation in Ukraine 30-ties of XX century (problems and specificity of representation): Dis … candidate. Philology. Science: 10.01.08 / Ivan Franko State University of L’viv. – L’viv, 1997. – 222 p. // Http://
Public protection held in June 23, 1997 on the session of the Specialized Academic Council the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
2005-2008 –doctoral student of International Journalism Department in Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
DSC (2009): Zhytaryuk M.G. Ukrainian journalism as the social and cultural model: genesis, dominants in the world information context: Dis … Dr. S.C.: 27.00.04 / M.G. Zhytaryuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Journalism. – K., 2009. – 408 pp. // Http://
Public protection held in May 18, 2009 on the special session of the Specialized Academic Council of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Prepared two PhD in Social Communications. It:
1. Pavlyuh Maria (2016).
2. Pastushyna Vasyl (2019)
Top Teachers:
Olga Fedyk,
Josyp Los,
Volodymyr Shklyar,
Volodymyr Zdoroveha
Work experience
Professional experience as a Journalist:
- The correspondent of “Молодь України” (“Youth of Ukraine”) and “Український футбол” (“Ukrainian Football”) (1992);
- reporter-intern on “Radio “Liberty” (Munich, 1993);
- Acting editor of “Вісник Розділля” (“Messenger of Rozdillya”) (New Rozdil city L’viv region 1990-1991);
- executive secretary of the newspaper “Українське слово” (“Ukrainian word”) (L’viv, 1991-1992);
- correspondent in the political department in the newspaper “Високий Замок” (“High Castle”) (L’viv, 1992-1993);
- correspondent of the newspaper “Молода Галичина” (“Young Galicia”) (L’viv, 1993);
- special correspondent of the newspaper “За вільну Україну” (“For free Ukraine”) (1996);
- The founder and the author of his own blog “Журналісти і журналістика” (“Journalists and Journalism”) (from 2010 – till now).
The author of several hundreds of publications and interviews on political, sports and international problems, the author of a book of publicistic writing “On the bound of ages”, L’viv, 1997.
Member of the National Journalists Union of Ukraine (1993-2013) and of the International Confederation of Journalists (1993).
07.1993 – “Radio Liberty” (Munich, Germany);
09-12.2000 – Institute of Journalism (Kyiv);
10.2004 – The Institute FOJO (Kalmar, Sweden);
09-11.2014, 09-10.2019 – Research Institute of press Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in L’viv.
03.02 – 15.03.2020 – University of Wroclaw (Institute of Journalism), Republic of Poland
Professional Experience as a teacher and scholar:
1993-1994 – teacher-trainee, Foreign Press and Information Department, Ivan Franko State University of L’viv (LSU).
1994-1997 – assistant of Foreign Press and Information Department LSU.
1997-2010 – Associate Professor (Docent) of Foreign Press and Information Department LSU (from 1999 – Ivan Franko National University of L’viv (LNU).
1998-2000 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Journalism from educational and training work (LSU, LNU).
2010 – till now – Professor of foreign press and information Department of LNU.
2006-2010 – Associate Professor (Docent) in the Institute of Philology and Journalism in Myhajlo Kotsiubynskyi Pedagogical University of Vinnytsia (VSPU).
2010 – till now – Professor of journalism, advertising and public relations Department VSPU.
Developed and tested courses and special courses:
- “Foreign theories and models of media”
- “Theory and history of social communication”
- “Theory of media”
- “Fundamentals of journalism”
- “The theory and methodology of journalistic creativity”
- “Radio and TV abroad”
- “Planet’s “Hot spots” in the media”
- “Advertising and public relations”
- “Modern French print media”
- “Great sport and media”
- “Social information” (1998-2007)
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