Students Life
Greetings to everyone, who decided to submerge in students` bright life of faculty of journalism!
If we refresh our memories ,we will recall great times ,when so many things were done on our faculty: we took part in different initiative projects ,did a lot of scientific projects,had many students` parties and held different social events ,that were of a great importance. All students had an ability to join and help whatever they could.
On faculty of journalism we have two students` organisations.
They represent the interests of our students and generate the ideas about great students` life. These two organisations exist unitedly in the aim of providing a good work and results.
The main goal of the Student Council is to improve the lives of students and ensure their communication with teachers.
The trade union bureau also has such a goal, and also deals with the social life of students of the Faculty of Journalism.
During the past few years our students constantly organize different events:
Amoung educational projects – The investigative Journalism Forum , The intensive Political Journalism, meetengs with the successful journalists
Our leisure activities behind the education process – The day of the Journalist , Student initiation party, Students` talent competition
Socialy important events – writing letters to Ukrainian Soldiers cooperation with volunteers, raising money for charity
Everyone ,who is interested in such activities and wants to brighten students` life can join us !
To be a student of faculty of journalism means to feel the true taste of students` life!