Taras Lylo

Посада: Доцент, Foreign Press and information Department


List of selected publications:


  1. Lylo T. (2004) Communication, identity, globalization, Lviv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

  2. Lylo T (2010). Opinion journalism, Lviv, PAIS.

Collective monographs:

1. Lylo T. Mass communication and ideology: the specifics of the relationship // The Word’s potential. International Relations and Communication: Status and Perspectives. – Warsaw-Lviv, 2016. – P. 134–145.

2. Lylo T. The ambivalence of the ideologeme Europe in modern media // Modern media culture: content, concepts, perspectives (Ukrainian–Polish experience), Lviv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 2012. – P. 163–167.

Scientific articles:

  1. Lylo T. The Crisis of Macrotext. Journalism and trends of world development, Lviv, 1999, pages 64-71.

  2. Lylo T. Media Reality and National Reality: the Problem of Harmonization, Television and radio journalism, Issue 3, Lviv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2000, pages 109-124.

  3. Lylo Т. Virtual Reality as a Place of International Reconciliation, Collection of works of the Research Center of Periodicals, issue 7, Lviv, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library, 2000, pages 200-213.

  4. Lylo T. Chances of Communication Subjectivism of Post-Communist Nations in the Context of the Current Geoinformational Situation, Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2001, issue 21, pages 244-254.

  5. Lylo Т. Globalization and Post-Communism, Actual Problems of Journalism, Uhzhorod, 2001, pages130-143.

  6. Lylo T. Globalization of Communication Space and National Identity of Post-Communist Societies: the Problem of Coordination, Ukrainian periodicals: history and modernity, Lviv, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library, 2000, pages 324-327.

  7. Lylo T. Ideologemes of Modern Anti-Terrorist Propaganda, Memory of the centuries, Kyiv, 2004, № 5-6, pages 197-205.

  8. Lylo T. Media i transformacja społeczna: przypadek Ukrainy, Za wolność waszych i naszych mediów: Materiały II Mędzynarodowego Festiwalu Mediów, 12-14 maja. – Wrocław, 2005. – S. 25-26.

  9. Lylo Т. Ideologemes of Modern Journalism (Is it possible to create a world outside the worldview context?), Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2006, issue 28, pages 111-1117.

  10. Lylo T. Semantic Disontologization as a Precondition of Manipulative Ideologemes Creation in Publicism, Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2009, issue 48, pages 18-31.

  11. Lylo T. Ideological and philosophical dominants of modern journalism, Scientific notes of the Institute of Journalism, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2009, issue 34, pages 10-14.

  12. Specjalizacja oraz uniwersalizacja dziennikarstwa w kontekście wyzwań we współczesnym świecie // Dziennikarskie perspektywy specjalizacji, Kraków-Rzeszów-Zamość, 2010, strony 17-34.

  13. Lylo T. Ryszard Kapuscinski’s Ideologemes towards Journalism as a Challenge to Modern Interpretations of mass media mission, Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2011, issue 34, pages 149-154.

  14. Lylo T. Dehistorization of Consciousness as a Precondition for Effectiveness of Manipulative Ideologemes in Modern Journalism, Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2011, issue 35, pages 46-54.

  15. Lylo T. Manipulative Potential of News Journalism: Ideological and Deontological Aspects , Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2013, issue 37, pages 64-71.

  16. Lylo T. Specification of Ideologization in Media Sphere: Media as Object and Subject of Ideologization , Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism. 2013. Issue 40. P. 240-249.

  17. Lylo T. Współczesne recepcje idei narodowej w mediach Ukrainy// Studia Interkulturowe Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2015, tom 8, S. 105-112.

  18. Ideological Factor in Mass Communication: Historical and Theoretical Aspects // Social Communication, 2016, vol. 2, issue 1. http://socialcommunication.edu.pl/nr-1132016/

  19. Lylo T. Ideologization of the Press: History, Features and Versatility of Faundations, Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2016, issue 41, pages 67-76.

  20. Lylo T. Ideologeme as a Representative of the Basic Concepts of Ideology in Media Discourse, Social Communication, 2017, vol.3, issue 1, pages 14-20. https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/sc.2017.3.issue-1/sc-2017-0002/sc-2017-0002.pdf

  21. Lylo T. Nowa mediadezontologia pojęć jako przesłanka ich manipulacyjnego wykorzystania w rosyjskiej propagandzie // Konteksty kultury medialnej, Warszawa, 2018, tom V, S. 29-39.

  22. Lylo T. Political Determinism of De(Re)ideologizaton of Soсiety and Mass Media in Postсommunist Situation, Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2018, issue 44., pages 318-326.

  23. Lylo T. Anthropological and Ideological Consequences of Mediatization, Visnyk of the Lviv University, series Journalism, 2020, issue 48, pages 134-142.



2018 – 2019 – Warsaw University (under Scholarship of Polish National Committee for UNESCO. Research paper topic – “The problem of international reconciliation in the Polish quality media: history, modernity, arguments for the “culture of peace “)..

2002-2003 Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Management and Social Communication (under The Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation (PAFF). Program was administered by The Polish – U.S. Fulbright Commission).

2001 – Candidate of Philology (specialization Journalism), The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Journalism. Thesis of dissertation: “Globalization of communication space and processes of national identification in the post-communist world”.

1991-1996 – The Ivan Franko State University of Lviv, Faculty of Journalism.

Professional experience:

Since 2005 – associate professor at the Faculty of Journalism, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Since 1996 –  lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Academic courses:

  1. Natiology and Information.

  2. Ideologemes of Modern Propaganda

  3. Work Features of International Department in Mass Media

  4. Modern Foreign Publicism and World Development Trends

Administrative experience at University:

2004 – 2006 – secretary of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of Dissertations.

Since 2005 – Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Press and Information.



2019 – The Warsaw University, Department of Central and East European Intercultural Studies

2013 – 2014The National University of Ostroh Academy, Department of Journalism

2009 – 2011 – The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Faculty of Media and Social Communication


2003-2008 – publicist and expert of “Den” newspaper (“The Day”)

Since 2016 – magazine “Letters to Friends”


2003 – Polish weekly newsmagazine “Polityka” (Warsaw).


2010-2018 – „Ukrainian Almanac” (Warsaw).


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