Department of Foreign Press and information

  • Про кафедру
  • Історія кафедри
  • Співробітники
  • Викладацький розклад
  • Методичні матеріали
  • Дослідження
  • Новини

The Department of Foreign Press and Information was founded in 1993. In 1995, the first students majoring in International Journalism graduated. Since then, a school of ‘worldview journalism’ has developed, carrying on the traditions of Mykola Shlemkevych (1894–1966), a Ukrainian philosopher, publicist, and a prominent public and political figure.

In their work, the staff of the Department are guided by several basic principles:

To us, the important questions are what?, where ?, and when? Answers to these questions make up the basis for being well-informed, but to have information does not mean to understand global events, therefore, why? is the most important question for journalism.

Journalism should be prompt, but when rushing to be fast, it is a good idea to remember the ancient principle of festina lente (make haste slowly) so as not to let the truth slip by in haste. Journalism should describe the present, but it is important to remember that the present can be an ancient history relived again. To see the phenomenon behind a mosaic of facts, the truth behind the multiplicity of lies. To prefer the eternal over the transient, ideas over interests, constructive aspects over finger-pointing.

We believe that the “universal journalist” should be not only tech-savvy but also strive for universal knowledge to have a panoramic rather than one-dimensional view of the world.


We are committed to the principles of fundamental journalistic education, because an international journalist, rather than simply informing about international events, primarily serves as a translator from one culture into another, from one worldview into another.

We are committed to the principles of journalistic specialization, as long as it avoids imitation of expertise and a simplified view of the world.

We support the latest communication technologies, but they cannot replace a journalist, who is often the first to interpret an event shared on social networks from the gadget of a random witness. The speed of information transfer should not result in vulgarization of the content quality. We teach through practice, but at the same time we understand that without knowledge and true values ​​journalistic skills and abilities become meaningless.

Journalism for us is not catering to the hedonistic needs of the consumer but rather a search for the truth together with the reader


Marian Zhytaryuk, Chairperson at the Department of Foreign Press and Information Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine, Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Full Professor

Josyp Los, Doctor in political science, professor, professor of the department of Foreign Press and Information.

Taras Lylo, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor

Tеtiana Khomenko, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor

Iurii Melnyk, PhD in social communications, Associate Professor

Olha Kvasnytsia, PhD in social communications, Associate Professor

Andrii Melnyk, PhD in Social Communications, Assistant of Foreign Press and Information Department

Mykola Rashkevych, lecturer

Chrystyna Davydchak, lecturer

The Department of Foreign Press and Information was founded in 1993. In 1995, the first students of the department graduated. Since then, the school of ‘worldview journalism’ has developed, carrying on the traditions of Mykola Shlemkevych (1894–1966), a Ukrainian philosopher, journalist, prominent public and political figure.


In its work, the staff of the Department are guided by several basic principles:


To us, the important questions are: ‘what?’, ‘where?’ and ‘when?’. Answers to these questions make up the basis for being well-informed, but to have information does not mean to understand global events, therefore, ‘why?’ is the most important question for journalism.


Journalism should be prompt, but when rushing to be fast, it is a good idea to remember the ancient principle of festina lente in order not to let the truth to slip. Journalism should describe the present, but it is important to remember that the present can be an ancient history relived again. To see the phenomenon behind a mosaic of facts, the truth behind the multiplicity of lies. To prefer the eternal over the transient, ideas over interests, constructive aspects over finger-pointing.


We believe that the “universal journalist” should not only tech-savvy but also strive for universal knowledge to have a panoramic rather than one-dimensional view of the world.


Професор (сумісник)Iosif LosПрофесор (сумісник)
Професор, завідувач (сумісник)MARIAN ZHYTARYUKПрофесор, завідувач (сумісник)
ДоцентTaras LyloДоцент
ДоцентTеtiana KhomenkoДоцент
ДоцентЮрій МельникДоцент
АсистентTaras BaldaАсистент
АсистентAndrii MelnykАсистент
АсистентMykola RashkevychАсистент
АсистентХристина ДавидчакАсистент

Викладацький розклад

Методичні матеріали

Zhytaryuk Marian. Advertising and public relations: e-learning manual (Vinnytsia, L’viv, 2015) //

Zhytaryuk Marian. Theories and models of media: e-learning guide (L’viv, 2015) //

Zhytaryuk Marian. Advertising and public relations (Реклама і звʼязки з громадськістю: навчальний посібник) (Ламберт, Німеччина, 2018, 168 с.):

Zhytaryuk Marian. Theories and models of media: e-learning guide (Теорії та моделі масової інформації: навчальний електронний посібник) (Львів, ЛНУ ім. І. Франка, 2018, 244 с.)

Zhytaryuk Marian. Moscow directing of Holocaust: Slavic love or Asian hate. Problems treatment’s in Ukrainian and foreign journalism of prewar period: Historical and journalistic aspect: Scientific brochure (L’viv, 1997)

Zhytaryuk Marian. Youth of Western Ukraine and political power (as an example, of L’viv region: Scientific Report (Kyiv, 1996)

Zhytaryuk Marian. Quartered but alive. The foreign press about the political processes in Ukraine before the World War II: The monogram (L’viv, 1997)

Zhytaryuk Marian. Great sport” and media: Manual” (L’viv, 1997);

Zhytaryuk Marian. Chaadaev P.Y. Philosophical letters. The madman’s apology. Extracts and different thoughts (as a compiler and co-translator, L’viv, 2005) // ;

Zhytaryuk Marian. The social and cultural model of journalism: tradition and innovation. Monogram” (L’viv, 2008) //; ;


Lylo T. (2004) Communication, identity, globalization, Lviv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Lylo T. (2010). Opinion journalism, Lviv, PAIS.



















Навчально-методична робота


Кафедра зарубіжної преси та інформації веде такі фундаментальні курси:

Аналогів деяких курсів («Націологія та інформація») немає в Європі, а таких, як «Слов’янський світ: література і публіцистика», «Деонтологія журналістики» — в Україні. Такий вибір виявився на часі. Комунікативно-аксіологічний аспект становить основу проблематики зазначених курсів, оскільки найголовніше призначення журналіста — служити правді й справедливості. Саме високе почуття обов’язку речників багатьох народів у сфері творчості, формування ціннісних ідеологем суспільства донині є орієнтиром для збалансування основних сфер людської життєдіяльності — духовно-світоглядної, соціально-організаційної та технологічної.

Усі студенти-міжнародники опановують такі спецкурси:

Інші спецкурси пропонуємо на вибір. Це докладне знайомство з мас-медіа Росії, Польщі, США, Німеччини, Великої Британії, Франції, Японії, Італії, в перспективі — арабського світу, Китаю, Індії та інших регіонів.  За бажанням студенти можуть опановувати такі спецкурси:

  • «Культурологічний аналіз»;
  • «Гарячі точки» планети у ЗМІ»;
  • «Олімпізм і ЗМК»;
  • «Сучасні французькі друковані ЗМІ»;
  • «ЗМІ Польщі»;
  • «Преса США»;
  • «ЗМІ Великобританії»;
  • «ЗМІ Італії» (робоча програма);
  • «ЗМІ Японії» (робоча програма);
  • «Робота відділу міжнародної інформації у газетах»;
  • «Журнал «Культура» (Париж) як тип видання»;
  • «Поетичний дискурс в публіцистиці»;
  • «Політологічний аналіз»;
  • «Журнал «Економіст» (Велика Британія) як тип видання»;
  • «Екуменічна публіцистика»;
  • «Діаспорна публіцистика» (робоча програма);
  • «Християнська етика і журналістська творчість» (робоча програма);
  • «Діалогіка і мас-медіа» (робоча програма);
  • «Українці у світовій культурі»;
  • «Релігійна публіцистика за кордоном» (робоча програма).


Start a new departmental topic: “Problems of modern foreign journalism in the context of axiological dominants”, from 01.01.2021

Continue to study the dynamics of worldviews in the international communication process, the features of argumentation in modern journalistic text abroad.

Within the new topic to focus on issues and themes in the modern Western press in the context of value, spiritual, moral, aesthetic and other dimensions, in their relationship with each other, with social, cultural factors and personality of the individual and the author creator.

Preparation (at the level of forming a plan and starting to collect material) of a textbook on foreign journalism.

We plan to publish at least 15 scientific articles, half of which are in international journals or professional scientific journals of Ukraine.

Publishing and journalism


The Department of Foreign Press and Information conducts the following fundamental courses:

  • “Foreign press: history, theory of functioning, modern practice”;
  • “Modern foreign journalism and trends in the world”;
  • “Slavic world: literature and journalism”;
  • “Foreign theories and models of mass information”;
  • “Nationology and information”;
  • “Deontology of Journalism”;
  • “Theory of Culture and Mass Communication”;
  • “History of world and Ukrainian culture”;
  • “History of World Literature”;
  • “Media Economics of Foreign Countries”;
  • “International Security”;
  • “Fundamentals of European Studies”;
  • “International communication as a global media system.”

There are no analogues of some courses (“Nationalism and Information”) in Europe, and such as “Slavic World: Literature and Journalism”, “Deontology of Journalism” – in Ukraine. This choice was timely. The communicative-axiological aspect is the basis of the problems of these courses, as the most important purpose of a journalist is to serve truth and justice. It is the high sense of duty of speakers of many nations in the field of creativity, the formation of value ideologues of society to this day is a guideline for balancing the main spheres of human life – spiritual, ideological, socio-organizational and technological.

All international students take the following special courses:

  • «Міжнародне право і журналістика»;
  • «Радіо і телебачення за кордоном»;
  • «Світоглядна публіцистика»;
  • «Ідеологеми сучасних ЗМІ»;
  • «Менеджмент ЗМІ за кордоном»;
  • «Радіо «Свобода»;
  • «Національна еліта й інформаційний простір України»;
  • «Розслідувальна журналістика за кордоном»;
  • «Людинотвірні моделі у публіцистиці»;
  • «Паблік рілейшнз за кордоном».

We offer other special courses to choose from. This is a detailed acquaintance with the media of Russia, Poland, USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Japan, Italy, in the long run – the Arab world, China, India and other regions. If desired, students can take the following special courses:

  • «Культурологічний аналіз»;
  • «Гарячі точки» планети у ЗМІ»;
  • «Олімпізм і ЗМК»;
  • «Сучасні французькі друковані ЗМІ»;
  • «ЗМІ Польщі»;
  • «Преса США»;
  • «ЗМІ Великобританії»;
  • «ЗМІ Італії»;
  • «ЗМІ Японії»;
  • «Робота відділу міжнародної інформації у газетах»;
  • «Журнал «Культура» (Париж) як тип видання»;
  • «Поетичний дискурс в публіцистиці»;
  • «Політологічний аналіз»;
  • «Журнал «Економіст» (Велика Британія) як тип видання»;
  • «Есеїстика С. Аверинцева»;
  • «Екуменічна публіцистика»;
  • «Діаспорна публіцистика»;
  • «Християнська етика і творчість»;
  • «Діалогіка і мас-медіа»;
  • «Українці у світовій культурі»;
  • «Сучасна релігійна преса».


Publications of the Department of Foreign Press and Information:

Attention postgraduate students!

26.08.2024 | 13:31

The interview and exam for specialty 061 “Journalism” will be held on Friday, August 30, at 11:00 a.m. at the address: Faculty of Journalism, str. Generala Chuprinka, 49, avd. 204.
You can familiarize yourself with the exam program for specialty 061 “Journalism” by calling:

Читати »

We are preparing for the accreditation of educational programs

03.02.2023 | 18:55

While students are on vacation, teachers and heads of departments of the Faculty of Journalism of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv are completing the preparation for accreditation in NAZYAVO of two educational programs – master’s and bachelor’s. This Tuesday, a joint meeting was held, where members of the support groups together with teachers and representatives of the student body summarized what has already been done.
All departments of the Faculty of Journalism work in a coordinated manner on successful...

Читати »

From a practice-oriented educational program to a successful journalist

03.02.2023 | 18:53

We are updating the educational programs for students of higher education, because the latest challenges dictate the new needs of the modern labor market for journalists. The rapid development of technological processes, a competitive media environment, and war dictate new requirements for the training of future specialists to journalists. In the dynamic process of forming educational programs, the opinion of those who employ our graduates and those who offer their skills to stakeholders has always been important.
This Wednesday, February 1...

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Natalia Balyuk: between journalism and blogging

12.11.2022 | 09:15

Today, November 11, 2022, within the scope of the discipline “Blogosphere: Features of Content”, at the invitation of the lecturer of the course Assoc. Myroslava Stepanivna Rudyk students had an online meeting with the editor-in-chief of “High Castle” and blogger Natalia Balyuk. The students gladly joined in the communication with our guest. After all, in the educational process it is also important to involve practical experience, to know the work of a journalist and blogger from the inside.
Ms. Natalya...

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