Вишеградський фонд
Visegrad гранти
Project Description
Countering Russian disinformation is one of the key problems of the modern media space, both in Ukraine and in the European Union countries. According to the StopFake organization, in 2022 more than 2,500 fakes and disinformation messages spread by Russian sources were discovered and refuted. This data includes various types of disinformation, from fake news to manipulation of facts aimed at influencing public opinion in Ukraine and beyond. In the first half of 2023, more than 2,000 cases of disinformation were recorded. The number is growing. Russian propaganda and disinformation aim not only to influence public opinion, but also to destabilize political situation. In this regard, effective countermeasures against these threats become extremely important. This involves the development and implementation of effective fact-checking methods. Our project will focus on training future journalists to identify and effectively counter Russian disinformation. This can be done through the development of professional fact-checking skills. The project will be aimed at identifying, analyzing and neutralizing disinformation threats that affect public opinion and political stability in the world. Misinformation often goes almost or even completely unnoticed due to a lack of skills and knowledge among journalists, especially those who are just starting their careers. We aim to demonstrate for students the effect of propaganda on concrete examples and provide them with the appropriate skills and necessary tools for effective fact-checking and critical analysis of information.
To solve the problem of Russian disinformation, it is also necessary to improve media education, teach citizens critical thinking and skills to recognize fake news, and increase the number of students who will acquire media literacy skills. It is also important to develop fact-checking tools. It is necessary to maintain international cooperation with other countries in order to exchange information about the methods and strategies of Russian propaganda and jointly counter it. This will contribute to the effective fight against disinformation. Our project helps with solving this problem by conducting educational events, such as scientific and practical conferences and trainings for students, which increase the level of media literacy among young people. The project also promotes the exchange of knowledge, involving scientists and teachers from different countries, forming an international community of specialists, to discuss methods of countering disinformation, with the subsequent publication of the results of discussions in the form of abstracts of reports and scientific articles. The project will also raise public awareness of methods and tools to combat disinformation, as posters will be created to promote fact-checking and media literacy among a wider audience. Thus, the project contributes to the formation of media literacy and critical thinking skills for the public, which will help to resist Russian disinformation in the modern media space, and to strengthen the information security of Ukraine and EU countries.
We focus on future journalists as a key factor in countering Russian disinformation. We suggest preparing them in advance so that they already have the necessary skills and tools to recognize disinformation when they begin their careers. This will allow them to become more effective in combating this problem from the very beginning of their professional activities. In addition, students of various specialties will also be involved in the project, which will make it possible to increase the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the project. We also propose the creation of an international community of specialists engaged in combating disinformation, for the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as the publication of scientific results, which also makes our project unique among similar initiatives. Thus, our project offers a comprehensive approach to the problem of Russian disinformation, which was not previously implemented in similar initiatives.
За допомогою грантів ми прагнемо просувати інноваційні ідеї, які вирішують спільні виклики за допомогою високоякісних проектів регіональної співпраці. Незалежно від того, чи займаєтеся ви мистецтвом, працюєте з уразливими групами чи зосереджуєтесь на інноваційному підприємництві, ми віримо, що регіональне співробітництво може принести позитивні зміни у вашу сферу діяльності чи громаду.